some updates

Surprise, we’re in Amsterdam! And I wanted to write a short post with some itinerary and blog updates.

It’s actually been quite a while since we’ve been in Vietnam, despite that being the focus of our last post. We just arrived to Amsterdam to meet up with our friends Lauren and Cody, and we’ve spent the last eight weeks traveling in Sri Lanka and Eastern Europe.

TW Ella 1
Selfies in Sri Lanka

And now—we have tickets back to DC! We’ll be home in just under a month, and we have a lot of mixed emotions about it. Of course, we’re most looking forward to seeing our family and friends again. But it will also be weird to not be on the road anymore and to transition back to “real life”. There’s still so much we wish we could see and do around the world, and we love the flexibility and freedom that long-term travel provides.

However, we’re also looking forward to applying this long-term travel mentality into our everyday life back home—exploring different places in our own backyard, being more curious about people’s stories and opinions and backgrounds, looking at even common things with a renewed sense of wonder.  We’ve been learning so much about ourselves and the world around us this year, but that doesn’t have to stop once we’re at a singular address again.

So back to blog updates:

  • For this final month, I’m going to make the blog concurrent with our travels—from Amsterdam onwards. Our stories and experiences from Sri Lanka and Eastern Europe will come eventually, but not until after we’re home.
  • Unrelated to our travel itinerary, I reorganized the “photo archive” page so it’s categorized by countries. I figured that’s actually more helpful than the specific dates we were there!

And thank you to everyone who’s been following along with us. We love sharing our stories, and we hope that we’ve provided some helpful tips to anyone going to these wonderful places!

See you in a month 🙂

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  1. Of all the cities in Europe, we loved Amsterdam the best…after Copenhagen (our true love.) No, London was a favorite!!! Anyway, we spent our afternoons laying around the Leidsplein and rummaging through every single museum!

    1. Wait til you experience Dublin, Oyoko. I think you have a lovely and positive way of seeing every place you visit as ‘the best’.

    2. We already have to leave Amsterdam, and I wish we could have stayed much longer! But we have London planned for the end of the trip too 🙂

  2. What an experience! So glad it has gone to well and I wonder if it exceeded your expectations? Looking forward to hearing reflections as you “re-enter” your USA lives! Enjoy and continue to be healthy and safe! I know, I know — but a mom is a mom and just can’t help it!

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